Eden Campus is situated in the heart of Mt Eden at 16 Ngauruhoe St. We welcome Year 9-13 students who are pregnant or who are teen-parents wanting to continue or resume their secondary education. A vibrant child care centre operates on site.
All students have their own individual learning plan. Most subjects are studied through Te Kura - the Correspondence School, but students are fully supported by specialist subject teachers who work closely with them to achieve at their own pace. Flexibility allows students who complete an NCEA level in one subject during the year to move on quickly to the next level without having to wait for a new school year.
Apart from Te Kura subjects many other courses are available to students, such as parenting, budgeting, first aid, outdoor education and hospitality. Most of these offer the opportunity of gaining NCEA credits.
Eden Campus is licensed to enrol 30 students and 30 children. It is close to public amenities and transport. A school van operates in the afternoon to help students make connections with buses and trains in the central city.
At Eden Campus we believe that being a teen-parent should not put a stop to education. We have high expectations for all our students and we provide a supportive and nurturing environment where young mothers and their babies can flourish.
For further details or to make an appointment please contact Karen Donnelly at:
Eden Campus
16 Ngauruhoe St
Mt Eden
Auckland 1349
For more information about Eden Campus please visit https://www.edencampus.school.nz/