Fees for our international students are NZ$18,200 per annum, which is broken down as - the tuition fee of NZ$16,250 payable in advance, and an Administration fee of $1,600, Application Fee $350 (no refundable). Fees are subject to annual review.
The Homestay Fee of NZ$18,270 in total per annum is payable in advance and is subject to annual review. The homestay fee must be paid into the school bank account with Tuition Fees on acceptance of an offer of place.
In addition to this fee, there is a $560 homestay Placement fee. In the unlikely event that a student needs to change her homestay family, there is a further relocation Fee of $350. If living expenses are deposited into the school account for distribution, a placement fee of $560 will be charged.
Designated Care Fee is $1,500. All fees are in New Zealand dollars. Designated Care fees apply where students live with an approved family member instead of a Homestay family organised by the school. These fees are to be paid into the school bank account with Tuition Fees on acceptance of Offer of Place.
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