Old Girls


Upcoming Events


22.10.2024 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
MATES Graduation

Auckland Grammar School Old Girls' Association

Address Membership

We welcome new members. If you wish to join the Old Girls' please contact our President or dowload the subscription form and post to 61/106 Becroft Drive, Forrest Hill 0620, Auckland 0620 or scan and e-mail to one the e-mail addresses provided.

If you are renewing your membership there is no need to fill out the subscription form you just need to pay the subscription as detailed below.  

Membership Fees
Annual - $20.00
Ten-year - $150.00
Life - $500.00

Our Account Name is AGS-OG 
Kiwi Bank  Account No: 38-9016-0567758-00  Code:  Subs/Donation   Ref:  Your name 

Download AGGS Subscription Form