Student Services


Upcoming Events


22.10.2024 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
MATES Graduation

Pastoral Care

Student Support Services

Student learning at Auckland Girls' Grammar School is enhanced by the range of support services. Students are supported in all aspects of their school life by a network of dedicated teachers and guidance staff.

Student Support Services include:

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We are fortunate to have a number of internal scholarships to help students while they are at Auckland Girls' Grammar School.  Many of the scholarships are provided by former principals, staff and students.  Details of when and how to apply for scholarships are provided in the daily notices.  Our Student Services Director and Careers Advisor can also provide more information.

The Cotter Trust Entry Scholarship:
The Cotter Trust provides Entry Scholarships with a value of $1500 per year over a five year tenure (subject to annual review) for one or more Year 9 students. The scholarship is awarded on the basis of financial need, academic potential, cultural and/or sporting ability and personal character.

The Cotter Trust Year 13 Grant:
The Cotter Trust provides annually a grant to one or more Year 12 students to support them during their Year 13.  The grant is awarded on the basis of financial need, academic potential, prior contribution to school life and personal character.

Annie Rose Allum Scholarship:
$300 for one year, awarded to a worthy student to enable her to continue her studies at either secondary or tertiary level.

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Learning Centre

The Learning Centre is staffed by a team of professionals whose focus is the individual learning needs of all students. Students from Years 9-13, who are referred by their teachers, attend the Centre for a variety of reasons. It is here that students are given opportunities to examine their own learning strategies and develop new ones.

Generally students attending the Learning Centre have been referred by their teacher. They work on programmes designed to meet their individual needs.

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i Centre

icentre01"In an age of instant and infinite information, it becomes less important for students to know, memorise or recall information, and more important for them to be able to find, sort, analyse, share, discuss, critique and create information. They need to move from being simply knowledgeable to being knowledge-able." Wesch

Our i-Centre (Information Centre) is a specially designed, furnished and equipped Learning Commons, which caters for todays 'new learners'. Young women, who use multiple technologies 'on demand', expect to have access to electronic information quickly and easily. Our students have never known a world where this wasn't possible. They embrace new technologies readily and transfer their skill with one technology to each new technology. They are comfortable learning informally with their peers as the technology brings them together socially.

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From our Video Library


We have a Cafeteria at Auckland Girls.  Both hot and cold food and beverages are available at breakfast, recess and lunch times.  The Cafeteria is open from 8am each day.  We endeavour to promote a healthy menu for our students and encourage girls to take advantage of a reasonably priced healthy option.