"In an age of instant and infinite information, it becomes less important for students to know, memorise or recall information, and more important for them to be able to find, sort, analyse, share, discuss, critique and create information. They need to move from being simply knowledgeable to being knowledge-able." Wesch
Our i-Centre (Information Centre) is a specially designed, furnished and equipped Learning Commons, which caters for todays 'new learners'. Young women, who use multiple technologies 'on demand', expect to have access to electronic information quickly and easily. Our students have never known a world where this wasn't possible. They embrace new technologies readily and transfer their skill with one technology to each new technology. They are comfortable learning informally with their peers as the technology brings them together socially.
Our i-Centre, which incorporates our school library, our Careers Centre and a number of smaller multi-purpose rooms, as well as a large flexible central area has been designed as a physical and virtual space to accommodate our 21st century learners, both students and staff.
Opening hours
Monday – Friday 7.30am to 5.00pm (term time only)