

Upcoming Events


22.10.2024 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
MATES Graduation

maori girlE nga mana, e nga reo, a nga hau e wha, tena koutou katoa. Ki nga tini mate kua wehe atu ki te po, haere atu ra. Ratou ki a ratou, tatou te hunga or ki a tatou. Tena hoki tatou katoa.

Ngā Tūmunako o Kahurangi  is a whanau unit established in 1986. It is based on the principles of te reo and tikanga Maori, developing te taha hinengaro, tinana and wairua, mana wahine, and striving for excellence in all aspects of school life.

Kahurangi students have the same opportunities open to other students at Auckland Girls. They have extra kaupapa Maori activities and are nurtured in a Maori-based environment.

They participate in kapa haka, manu korero, kahurangi marae trips and so on. These activities help to develop tuakana-teina relationships and whanaungatanga. Parents and guardians of kahurangi students attend whanau huis and work together as a whanau kotahi.

If you would like more information about Kahurangi, please contact the school office. 

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