Auckland Girls’ Grammar School offers a range of internal scholarships to support our students both during their time with us and when transitioning to tertiary studies. These scholarships, generously provided by former principals, staff, and students, are designed to assist with financial needs, recognize academic potential, and reward contributions to school life.
We also work closely with students to improve their chances of acceptance to leading universities, many of which offer prestigious scholarships. Our expert Careers Advisor assists students with their applications for university placements and financial scholarships.
Scholarships are available by application or are awarded to students. Current students are notified when applications are open, except for The Cotter Trust – Entry Scholarship, which can be applied for during enrolment for Year 9.
Eligibility: Year 13 student
Awarded to: A student who demonstrates Auckland Girls’ Grammar School values, contributes service to the school, and has made good academic progress.
Purpose: To enable a worthy student to continue her studies at either secondary or tertiary level.
In memory of: Annie Rose Allum, an energetic and innovative teacher at Auckland Girls’ Grammar School in the 1930s.
Eligibility: Year 8 students transitioning into Year 9 at Auckland Girls’ Grammar School.
Awarded to: Students in financial need who demonstrate academic potential, cultural or sporting ability, and strong personal character.
Provided by: The Cotter Charitable Trust, established by Don and Margaret Cotter during the 125th Anniversary of Auckland Girls’ Grammar School, to offer financial and pastoral support to its students.
Applications: Open at the start of Term 2 and close at the end of Term 3 each year. Dates may vary between years, so it is recommended to email the Enrolments Officer at for the most accurate information.
Eligibility: Year 12 students
Awarded to: Students in financial need who demonstrate academic potential, have made prior contributions to school life, and exhibit strong personal character.
Provided by: The Cotter Charitable Trust, established by Don and Margaret Cotter during the 125th Anniversary of Auckland Girls’ Grammar School, to offer financial and pastoral support to its students.
Eligibility: Year 13 student
Purpose: To assist with tertiary studies.
Provided by: Auckland Girls’ Grammar Old Girls Trust.
In memory of: Miss E. M. Johnston, the fourth Headmistress of Auckland Girls’ Grammar School, serving from 1926 to 1944.
Eligibility: Year 13 Student
Purpose: To assist with tertiary studies
In memory of: Mrs. Blackwell, a student of Auckland Girls’ Grammar School in 1890.
Eligibility: Years 11 and 12 students, and Year 13 students
Awarded to: Students who demonstrate academic excellence alongside leadership and service to the school.
In memory of: John Williamson, who established a trust for scholarships awarded to students from each of the four Grammar Schools: Auckland Boys’, Auckland Girls’, Epsom Girls’, and Mt Albert Grammar.
Eligibility: Year 13 students
Awarded to: A student who demonstrates academic excellence alongside leadership and service to the school.
In Memory of: Louise Gardner, an outstanding student of Auckland Girls’ Grammar School who returned as a Maths teacher in 1940 and later served as Deputy Principal and Principal.
Eligibility: Year 9 and Year 10
Awarded to: A Year 9 and Year 10 student for academic achievement, commitment, and contributions to the school through service.
Eligibility: Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13
Awarded to: Student who demonstrate Auckland Girls’ Grammar School values, contributes service to the school, and has made good academic progress.
In memory of: Rua I Gardner, a student at Auckland Girls’ Grammar School from 1915 to 1919 and Principal from 1945 to 1966.
Awarded to: A senior student
In honour of: Annette Soloman, a Science Teacher and Senior Mistress at Auckland Girls’ who retired in 1979 after 23 years of service.
Awarded to: Year 12 or 13 Business Student
Purpose: To assist with university costs.
Provided by: Dr. Judy Selvaraj, a student at Auckland Girls’ Grammar School from 1961 to 1963 and a teacher of Commercial subjects in 1971.
Awarded to: A student from each senior year level who demonstrates strong academic performance and contributes to all aspects of school life.
Provided by: Auckland Girls’ Grammar School Old Girls Trust.
Eligibility: Year 11 and 12 Students
Awarded to: Top returning (to AGGS) academic achievers students from Year 11 and Year 12.
Awarded to: A senior student
In memory of: Lillian Chrystall, who had a long and influential career in architecture and was a past student of Auckland Girls’ Grammar School.
Awarded to: Senior Student
Purpose: To assist with university costs.
In Memory of: Margaret Connor, a former student of Auckland Girls’ Grammar School.
Awarded to: A student who has demonstrated exemplary service to the school
In honour of: Maureen Wilson, former Principal of Auckland Girls’ Grammar School.
Provided by: Auckland Girls’ Grammar School Old Girls Trust.
Awarded to: A student pursuing a career in a Trade.
Provided by: Auckland Girls’ Grammar School Old Girls’ Trust.
Awarded to: A student pursuing a career in music.
Provided by: Auckland Girls’ Grammar School Old Girls’ Trust.
Absence/Attendance Enquiries:
Phone: (09) 307 4187
Enrolment Enquiries:
Phone (+64 9) 307 4180
Eden Campus (Teen Parent Unit)
Phone: (09) 638 3412
General Enquiries:
Phone: (09) 307 4180
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